Leadership Competence, Human Resource Management, Employee CreativityAbstract
This study discusses the factors that can reduce employee turnover intention
through Ethical Leadership. The focus of this research is to find out the factors that cause
partners to have the turnover intention to another company or not to cooperate with the
company they have participated in. This research was conducted using a qualitative
method, namely a review of the level of understanding of the Multi Level Marketing
business people. In this study using observations in the area of Surabaya and Sidoarjo. This
is done with several considerations, namely: First, the research location is close to the reach
of the researcher. Second, several leaders and business headquarters are located in
Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The sample was taken using purposive sampling because the
researcher needed informants who had sufficient experience and knowledge in the business
environment. From the results of the interview, it is known that the role of the upline as a
leader in the business has a major influence on the development of the network. In addition,
it turns out that motivational factors also have an influence on downline decisions on
turnover intention. In addition, what is needed is not only a supportive leader in providing
training but also an ethical attitude.
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